Could you do me a favor and tell me from what country you are from?
HEY! OK good news, i finally found a fulfillment company that i liked with good prices.
I’m going to use ShipBob I keep remembering their name like “SpongeBob” but instead of cleaning it’s about mail. They have a great Back-end program that will let me insert information and also track my goods! Admagic will be printing the book, a US based company so if you an American Shipping will be the cheapest. Indiegogo is the platform!
Tomorrow i’ll shoot my main video for the actual campaign, so wish me luck!
Some of you i know your country origin but some i don’t. I’ll write you individually in April anyway but i’d still like to know!
So! i really hope you saw my mum’s image/video, if you didn’t you can watch her HERE Or On site below.
She was the one that supported me throughout the years, the one that bought me paint & canvas. Everything she could afford. Basically she acted like a single parent as my father didn’t really help her financially, no alimony when i was little but when i turned 13 he started paying a small “fee”.
Next week’s images:
Running Out of the city
I hope you like my newsletter, we are at week 5/10
I really want my book to launch successfully, i hope that by the 15th of march i’ll be able to ask you about Goals stuff in the campaign.