post gallery,
post gallery, Freaks Like Me was a success! Videos!
hey! I met a lot of good people and a lot of fans that knew me but never met me. There’s updates on A WHOLE LOT OF stuff. I tried to have everything online so you’ll be able to see it AND i did 3 videos in English, as promised, so they’ll be an alternative for the Hebrew ones. One is about How and Why i made my characters. (embed Below or HERE)
5 reasons why you should come! (again! embed Below or HERE)
I got another one that shows me and Orly right after the arrangement for the exhibit HERE
i’m thinking about WHAT Should i show here on my online site? I have so much work my portfolio is about to burst. Thoughts?
Some Photos Of the actual place, i got also some photos of like- people and what’s up there, but i’m actually just downloading all the images and i want to select them (retouch them!) and upload them to facebook in an album. So… that will be when i’ll have the time. For now I’ll merge the photos with the text below.
I actually had to go and buy clothes for this! and it was HHOOTT there, so i was trying not to look sweaty, i had a napkin at my back pocket and i dabbed on my forehead and cheeks each time i wanted to take a picture with someone. My makeup was destroyed! Her AC wasn’t very good, but Oh WELL.
The good news:
- On the Day of the VIP opening I met a woman named Michal Sadan, apparently she’s a Big shot at the art scene and she wants me to have an interview on TV. It’s going to be in English, so this will be awesome. It should be shown on different places on TV channels. According to her samples that i received for the interviews, it’s not a big/huge spotlight like she’s trying to make it look like but it’s Good!
- A gallery named the Cuckoo’s nest asked me for an artist Interview on the 24’th about ME and about this current exhibition. It’s going to be in video and Israel’s number 1 drag queen, Nona Chalant, is going to interview me. And we are friends and we laugh a lot so it’s great.
Bad news:
I had some sales but nothing big. I don’t think i’ll be able to continue with this gallery unless they’ll be able to produce some more sales. This exhibition cost me and the hubby A LOT, and unless we are able to bounce back financially i’ll have to cut the rope and try to continue this momentum a bit longer. So on the end of July we’ll have to calculate things and think. Perhaps there’s a third way also.
BUT on the up side i’ll have a sale on August and you’ll be able to purchase small stuff on minimal cost. I just want to rid myself of everything that isn’t a canvas. So YOU win.
Personal insights: *cue the dramatic piano music*
1. I learned i’m actually quite good at the business part of the arts, i just needed a bit of confidence and to understand how things work! i started to really listen to people who know things much better than me and I think i’ll be able to do much more now than 3 months ago. Not only because this exposure and big platform but because now i understand more or less how things work business-wise.
2. People really like me. I have no idea why, i just babble A LOT but people really like me! but Maybe it has something to do with my conflicting personality- I always describe myself as a half Idiot and half deep.
3. I know what i’m fucking doing. Rich people love it when you argue with them and stand your ground. I’m really good with Schedules. I’m a very good liar- ONLY If i must. I sweat a lot but only from my head, the body is dry.
i’ll be going to a gallery exhibit in order to meet Michal and do some networking. (nope, i don’t care about the actual exhibition) I’ll talk to her about the exhibition and about the interview. If it’s in august it’s great, now it’s too soon. And i want to wear my crown! the hubby says it’s stupid, i think it’s rememberable and it will show ME as cohesion with the art (fantasy etc) let’s see her opinion. (in the picture Yulia Taits, The amazing albino photographer)
Future, Book: Nuerva
Good news! i’m at 50% at the first phase. Meaning I’m going to layout the book and see how the balance of the text and the images go. after that i can continue painting everything and there’s actual some real progress here! i want to finish it until 2018, I really want to. I need the fucking money so i won’t need a job! i need the time to work!
Thanks for hearing my babble! If you want you can write me Directly to this email OR CLICK HERE
I love you, thank you! I’ll show everything i can from the exhibit, you will not be left out!