Hi! Sorry for the long un-update but i had missiles shot at my town and with all the mess going on with Corona stuff i honestly didn’t have time to write anything properly. Today i wanted to specifically show you guys something that i think will turn out pretty cool. i had this idea for a video game. i want to create a pitch, American told me that without a team this won’t amount to nothing- he is totally right, but i’m doing it because I WANT TO. like i don’t care if nothing will come out of it, why not.
Summary of the game:
Xoa, Main Character, Mercenary, hired by mega corporation Johnson & Dick (J&D). Sent to planet Abundance (settlement 38) to reclaim the planet and wipe out the current population. Essentially rebooting the settlement.
The population was infected by a toxic gas, it made them act “insane” and violent. But they perceive themselves not as drooling murderous lunatics but as perfectly normal.
The player finds the Virus is actually an entity, the collective, located inside of the planet and it needs to be killed before it’s out of its cage completely. In the middle of the collective there’s a little girl connected who that is who the player hears talking to. HER mind is what controls the “imagery” of the world.
The styling will be 2 styles clashing with each other constantly. one hallucinations and one that is real. there will be the “regular world, safe styling dark generic”
and there’s the “wtf is that” As the game progresses the hallucinations will become worse and blackouts will sometimes leave the player in random areas. This will be used as a tool to push the narrative forward. Used sparingly is the best way to utilize.
These are all WIPS, i’m in the middle of creating everything from scratch and i’m trying to do ONE thing a day, so at least a page or something so it will take me about 2 months or so to complete.
I still need to properly design the main character and design the other characters i nthe game but i do want them to be based on real proportions
some of the art i completed and some just needs more rendering
but i did design the J&D logo design and Merch from that company. i wanted to make this look very uninspiring and very generic. the company in the game will not actually be visible or really talked to, the idea is that they OWN the place so you can see their stuff. but besides hiring Xoa for the job… they are not physically there. i took stuff from WW2 like the poster’s pose, the bags, the lunchbox- all based on designs from Nazi propaganda / fascist / ww2 stuff. in order to give the connotation that they are pretty much assholes.
Their logo is based on a penis. also placed on the guy’s penis also their full name is JHONSON AND DICK. like if it’s not clear they are assholes, i didn’t do my job right. also i made the guy creepy on purpose LOL.
This pitch will be 53 pages long and i’ll add some full on blown art in there, it will be pretty cool. I’ll probably offer everyone to read it for free. no idea what will come out of this but who cares! i just want to paint this out of the way so i can start properly my next novel!