mobile games,
Before anything- Should i do a Christmas themed portrait?
….i usually don’t do anything that’s holiday-like.
Mobile Games!
Hey! recently i told you that there’s this guy (ORI) that started talking to me about creating mobile games. well, it’s happening. i can’t give you any details just yet, but i CAN share the first concepts of our main character. It’s a penguin/post-office guy. I’m still not sure on his character- if he’s suppose to be Cute or Grumpy.
I want him memorable, don’t know what to do yet but this is exciting. Ori (The mobile game guy) is a really good programmer and you know me- a total workaholic and i know my stuff. So- This will turn out cool. I love mobile games, personally i’m addicted to Pet Rescue saga. I created some mobile games in the past in companies but in this case me and Ori are partners, so this will be created artistically 100% by me, so it’s exciting.
A bit different…
I’m still designing and painting digital sketches, but i had an idea lately, i thought of maybe taking old commercials/ads and re-create them. But sleazy or just plain disturbing like- “GOT MILK?”
i usually paint girls but i wanted to paint a guy for once, and personally- This is my taste, give me a viking!! i don’t know if i’ll release him on my FB page, he might be too different from the girls. What would you do?
I want to do a “Nuka Cola” ad and a GTA one. Don’t know if i’ll paint it in oils or not but- let’s just keep the creativity rolling.
Also- not finished but almost:
I wanted her to be more amorphous with less definition in the background and shirt, i wanted her to look like she’s swimming in a mesh of green. I’m still closing in the concept for this series, i don’t know how many portraits will eventually hit the canvas but i’m not worried.
I’m going to get my own store here on the site!
so i’m going to show off my dolls and all the stuff i make for sale. but to be clear- I’m not asking you to buy anything! i’m just so happy about it! also the site will go through an upgrade and also the newsletter listing was upgraded finally. So you might be getting this email properly- finally!
Thank you for reading! write back to me directly to this email OR ON SITE HERE