HI! i’m going to pass on the Alice update this time because frankly i got Instagram for that and i don’t have stuff that i can share too much currently. So instead let’s talk about something that is on my mind and on my head for the last two months. this corona business really make me take a look on what i want to do. and there are personal stuff like i want to learn archery and i want to learn to dance like a hoe on a pole, ride a horse once, make a song! but i also-
want to make stuff, Physical stuff. Specifically i want to make two lines of stuff, i want to make a set of pendants with simple necklaces, about 4 designs. and Shirts which i think i’ll start from that … but i honestly don’t know where to start. perhaps i uploaded this already, i don’t remember.

I like prints. i don’t feel it’s me tho. so i’m thinking about a design based in material, like pearls/gold/ i donoo. but something else then a print. OH my hair is bugging the shit out of me, i’m a curly but i’m losing hair so my hair isn’t dense and pretty. it’s like gramnda curls, next month i’m chemically straightening it so here’s the BEFORE:

I’m painting a lot, i finished “Money” originally i wanted to paint Kylie Jenner as the model but i found out that i work better with my own characters. there’s something that works better with my wonky proportions then going fully on realistic.

I’m really happy with how she came out, i learned a lot from Marco Bucci, if anyone wants to take some courses from him- i’m SO FOR IT, i learned a lot from 2 courses, each cost me 30$. it’s really nothing. I’m planning to paint “Inflatables” next, Digi sketch:

and i finally understood my world when it comes to painting

finally. FINALLY i’m happy with these two. the pigs and Bears. Also a jewlery company, Marohh, approached me and i modeled stuff for them in exchange for the products,

I want to be actually paid once, Money, to model clothes for a catalog (not live or video, i can’t retouch that) also not too tight, too fat. OOHH also last but def not least i’m working on the Prelude comic for Nuerva, i also sold all the copies. and i’m looking for a model for the 3rd part. it’s built with 4 parts and for the 3rd part i need a guy that looks like a walking wall.

this is a cap from the 4th part. it’s not spoiling the actually book but Explaining WTF is happening in it- IN a way that is Hinted If you read the book so you’ll need to read it After you read the book. But if you read the comic first you’ll be basically “wtf” i want this to be only digital and to put it on Amazon but 2 friends already were like “are you kidding me? this must be printed” i donno. i’ll need to think about it but i got Lots of work to still put into it so i’ll think about it. parts 1,2 are done 4, is being made now and 3 needs that male model. when i’ll finish this comic i’ll start to work on my second book. i got the outline done, i just need to write it but i KNOW that this comic needs to be done first in order to write the second book. i don’t want plot holes…
I want this corona stuff to be over with already, i want to be able to go out and get drunk! i’m sending you a virtual alcoholic beverage, Le’haim!
Thanks for reading, i hope that this time isn’t very hard on you and i hope that everything is well. please take care of yourself and wear masks and wash your..well.. everything.